?Sakura Home Services?

We solve the formaldehyde problem by decomposition and blocking. The 4 main technologies we use are electricity, light, air catalysts and glucose. The choice of various technologies is to deal with the formaldehyde released from different sources at your home
?How to book our service? ?
Know more about Sakura’s existing 3 packages and find out the best option to fit your needs

?Philosophy of Sakura?
Sakura Vision
Our vision is to eliminate the harmful effects caused by the formaldehyde contained in household air particles, and provide protection, especially to pregnant women, babies, kids and elderlies. We believe by providing effective air-purification service, we can reach the ultimate goal of improving the health conditions of local families.
Sakura Mission
Our sole mission is to remove formaldehyde. We can do what other companies fail to do, while we will perform better on the aspects that they can reach.
Sakura Tenet
Professional – We visit Japan regularly to study the latest solution against formaldehyde with highest effectiveness.
Safety – Obtaining a satisfactory result in skin test, our products is perfectly safe with certified standard
Reassurance – We promise a very careful and close follow up to our clients from enquiry, to service design, and job finishing.